Logging in

Once you’ve been provided your username and password, enter it on the main page. If you are logging in on your mobile phone, click ‘Mobile Version’ as seen below.

Logging in

Switching to Mobile Version

If you are on your mobile with the desktop version enabled, click the icon at the top right to switch to mobile version.

Switch to mobile version

Change Your Time Zone

If you don’t know your time zone by UTC, go to Google and enter your city + UTC as seen below

Google UTC
  1. Click ‘Settings’
  2. Click ‘User Interface’
  3. Enter your Time Zone by UTC

Switch Time Zone

Viewing Track History

To view the detailed history by time and date

  1. Click the ‘History’ tab
  2. Enter the time and date you would like to view
  3. Click ‘Show’

Detailed history
To quickly view history by day, week or month

  1. Click the Action menu
  2. Select ‘Show History’
  3. Select the time period you’d like to see

See history

Stop Times & Most Frequent Stops

The blue ‘P’ icon indicates a stop. You can view stops from 2 minutes to 5 hours.

Standard and Fleet - Set stop time for 5-10 minutes. This will leave out quick stops such as stop lights and provide important stops such as job stops and lunch breaks.

Dealer/Finance – Set stop time for at least 5 hours. This will show you where the vehicle is most likely to be if a recovery operation becomes necessary.

To adjust length of stop times shown:

  1. Click ‘History’ in the menu
  2. Click the ‘Stops’ dropdown menu
  3. Change the stop time.

Most Frequent Stop

Setting Up Geofence Zone

Open Zone Properties Box

  1. Click Places
  2. Click Zones
  3. Click the icon to open zone properties Box

Set up Zone

  1. Rename the zone you wish to monitor
  2. Click on the map and create zone
  3. Click Save


Setting Up Events

Enter Settings

  1. Click “Settings” button in top menu

Set up Event

  1. Click “Events”
  2. Click “+” at bottom right of window.

  1. Select Object you want to trigger the event
  2. Select the Zone you wish to monitor in “Zones” tab
  3. Click Save
set event
  1. Click “Notifications” tab
  2. Enter details and alerts for the event
  3. Click Save

For a video tutorial, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBJVpXTrcEE
